How to Follow Jesus


Luke 14:33 ESV

So therefore, any of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.

The cost of following Jesus can be very pricey. Jesus calls us to be willing to give everything that we treasure for Him. In verse 26 to 27 of Luke 14, we see the cost of following Him. It can cost us our family when they may renounce us for our belief, It can cost us our relationships that we treasure so much, or ultimately, it may even cost us our own life. Are we willing to carry our own cross and exchange our comforts for serving our God?

If we are to follow Jesus, consider the cost for there is no turning back. It may be hard and it may involve lots of praying and countless crying nights to surrender something costly for God. I realized, the reason why we won’t let go is that we are not aware of the greater blessing that God has in store for us and continue to fight for our own wants.

How can we fully follow God when our priority is not Him? Surrender everything to God. It’s for our own good to be set free from what is from the world. Surrender everything that hinders the blessing of God in your life, you may be missing out something big.

When we finally get the courage to drop everything for God, in His perfect time, we will know that following Jesus is the best decision that we have ever made in our lives.

What hinders you from following Jesus fully? Let us commit to the Lord everything we have, follow Him, and He will lead us to the fullness of life with happiness and satisfaction.

Isuko mo na yan friend, sunod ka na kay Lord. Sayang blessings oh.

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